Backseat Budgeter (40 points)

Colorado by law needs to have a ‘balanced’ budget, in other words the amount the state cannot be more than 4% more than what it takes in. Some legislators have felt handcuffed by this state law, and now it’s your turn to feel the pinch. Go to this website: coloradobackseatbudgeter

Try to lower taxes, balance the budget, and trigger no “constitutional warnings”. No small task for a legislator that represents a district that wants taxes to be lowered. When complete, write a one-paragraph, 50-100 word Pages Document detailing what you tried and how it failed/succeeded, followed by how you feel about our laws involving the raising of taxes and spending on education.

To complete:

1. Go to

2. Play around with the budget wheels, trying to raise taxes, eliminate programs, put more money in places that have less, etc… Discover what happens for you, which then will also be what is the legislators’ problem.

3. Open Pages and write a 50-100 word reflection on what your impression of TABOR and the taxation/spending laws of Colorado are, and how the money is spent here.

4. Email me said document, ensuring your name and backseatbudgeter are in the subject line of the email.