Say ‘hi’ (10 points)

Pretty simple task here: just want you to comment to this post a ‘hello’ of some sort. I need to ensure that navigating this blog site is something you’re comfortable with, and that you know how to leave a comment, as often times that will be the method of submission of a task.

To complete:

1. Go to (Hey! You already did that!)

2. Read the “Say ‘hi'” blog post (appears you’ve done that as well…)

3. Leave a comment that simply says ‘hi’ in some fashion.

Pocket notebook (20 points)

It might feel like 1986 doing it, but I am asking you to go get a small pocket sized notebook like this one (and I’m not saying get exactly this one; get one similar to this. They’re usually in the $.75 range.) Having the actual notebook will assist you in the completion of the semester long project of expenditure tracking, and there are a lot of points riding on that. Keeping the data in your smart phone is perfectly fine, but a 10 point bonus if you just simply do this.

To complete:

1. Find or purchase a small, pocket-sized notebook that you intend to carry with you at all times (basically) from now through Thanksgiving.

2. Show it to me in class by August 25th for the 10 points.

small notebook


Market watch sign up (20 points)

Yeah, we’re doing the stocks. Lots. A great place to learn the ins and outs of running a portfolio that includes stock ownership is the “virtual stock exchange” run by the website If you follow the link, it’ll take you to our game that I’ve set up. There, you’ll discover you’ve been granted a $100,000 pile of cash to invest. We’ll do plenty of discussion on what to look for in what you invest, what the companies are, what puts them on the NYSE in the first place, and how to find their stock ticker name. For now, you just need to sign in to the game itself. Once you’ve done that, I (the game administrator) will be able to see your credentials on the master page, and you’ll receive the 20 points! Then, we’ll play! For the entire year, you will run this portfolio, with the champion receiving a $20 gift card to some establishment (TBD). How do you win? Largest % gain over the course of the year.

To complete:

1. Go to this page

2. Create an account and username that is school appropriate.

3. Navigate the game site and ensure that you can participate in the game as successfully as you desire.