And so it begins


My first 537 entry. I chose edublogs for this course because, honestly, I wanted to try a different format than Blogger, which I’ve used for the past year. So far, I like the user interface presented to me. It’s quite intuitive.

This is my 4th semester (of 6) in the master’s program with Boise State, a program I find truly amazing. I’ve incorporated several techniques in my classroom already, and envision myself transforming my classroom further as I continue. I teach geometry, discrete math (a sort of ‘senior math’), and AP Statistics. I hope to have blogs that are active and useful for each of the courses next year. I feel that, if applied effectively, a classroom blog will go a long way towards creating a structure that students will feel connected to, a sort of home base they can successfully turn to. Combining this with the online textbooks my school is introducing this year in most math classes, I feel that the classroom itself (for me at least) may be changing to one that can be more investigative problem solving, less lecture and rote memorization, and students may find that their time is more effectively utilized.

I am definitely looking forward to this particular course and what it may offer to me as a teacher.

2 thoughts on “And so it begins

  1. Bobby, welcome to EDTECH537!!! I’m glad that you’ve decided to try out another platform, as it will give you a wider appreciating for what each (i.e., WordPress or Edublogs vs. Blogger) have to offer first hand.

  2. Hello Bobby,
    I’ve also enjoyed my time in the EDTECH Program at Boise – this is my final class before I complete the program in the fall Portfolio class. Looking forward to learning with you!


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